Green Smoothy Summer Freshness

A Summer Favorite All of the following should be stored in the fridge for at least a few hours prior to using or… if you don’t want to do that… add a cup of ice to the list of ingredients below: 1

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Easily Separate Egg Yolks

httpv:// Separating Egg Yolks From Egg Whites Easily In case you end up having to separate eggs that are already in a bowl, this tip may be helpful. WHAT YOU PROBABLY

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Grilled Zucchini

Ingredients 8 medium zucchini, trimmed, halved lengthwise Olive Oil 1 lemon cut in half (we need the juice) 1 teaspoon lemon-pepper seasoning or your choice of pepper pinch of salt 1 teaspoon garlic

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Souvlaki in Pita ala Tom Box

This is something so simple, so basic and so delicious that it needs to be included in everyone’s recipe book.

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Anita’s FreeStyle Veggies

OK, this is one of the nicest, most natural ways to prepare cooked veggies.

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Ted’s Lemon Souffle Pancakes

Probably one of the best breakfast meals ever is Lemon Souffle Pancakes.

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Simon’s Sizzling Soups

In 2009 I attended a Michelin Star Cooking course in Devon UK and during my day in the kitchen I was responsible for the “Soup Station” and have been using this technique ever since…   Base

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Sugar Substitute

Replace sugar with Stevia. But, be careful… you need to get the proportions just right. Substitute a cup of sugar per 1 tsp. of liquid Stevia or per 1/3 to 1/2 tsp. of Stevia powder. Stevia is an

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Apple Butter

A novel way of enjoying your apple-a-day. Boil a mixture of 7 cups of applesauce, 2 tbsp. stevia liquid, ¼ cup of vinegar and 1 tsp. of cinnamon for 15 minutes for a delicious butter substitute or sp...

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Whole Grain Bread

OK, one of the yummiest things we’ve done this past year is bake our own bread.  The whole house smells wonderful for hours afterward and the taste of our own bread just can not be compared to what

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